Päivitetty 03.03.2023

WP6 Data science

WP6 coordinates data analysis and open science, promoting unified treatment of data and statistical methods across the consortium and designing open and reproducible data science workflows. The combination of data and computational methodology allows us to quantify individual resilience.

The unique combination of data will allow us to take advantage of cutting-edge data science techniques to characterize the paths toward adverse life events; we seek early warning signals of destructive patterns by adjusting timely research  methodology. In addition, we use the latest machine learning techniques to quantify the efficiency toward policy recommendations.

The WP6 will also support the overall open science and interaction plan by coordinating open access to data, methods, publications, training, and dissemination material, and other research outputs in accordance with the latest national recommendations (Open Science Coordination in Finland, 2020).

Leo Lahti

Professor, University of Turku +358 29 450 2390